The contributions of teaching Libras to hearing children
Formação docente, Inclusão escolar, Ensino da Libras.Abstract
The work is a bibliographical research that aimed to investigate the contributions of the teaching of Libras to hearing children and its importance in the process of inclusion of the deaf in the socio-educational scope. The educational inclusion of the deaf should be treated as an opportunity to also offer strategies aimed at teaching Libras to hearing students, enabling them to have the most diverse visual experiences and exchange of knowledge. Dealing with deafness and promoting access to Libras from an early age means tracing paths without prejudice and without linguistic barriers, collaborating for the formation of subjects able to interact socially with deaf people and, consequently, for the constitution of an inclusive society, that accepts and knows how to dialogue with human differences. Although the teaching of Libras is not yet a mandatory curricular component in Early Childhood Education institutions, the teacher can link the teaching of this language to the syllabus of this stage of basic education and, thus, propose interdisciplinary activities. For the effectiveness of this process, new attitudes will be necessary through which changes and actions need to be carried out, among them, the training of teachers, flexibility regarding the contents and the adequacy of the same.
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