SENAI as a model for industrial education:
notes on technical cooperation and the circulation of knowledge between Brazil and the USA (1948-1949)
Brazilian-American Commission on Industrial Education (CBAI), Industrial Education., National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI), Brazil-United States RelationsAbstract
This article discusses the relationship between Brazilian industrial education and the technical assistance programs signed between Brazil and the United States after the Second World War. To do so, I turn to the observations of American researcher Robert King Hall on the National Industrial Learning Service (SENAI) and the Brazilian-American Commission on Industrial Education (CBAI). Hall was a professor at Columbia University and worked as a consultant in several countries, such as Brazil and Iran. In the latter, he even suggested the adoption of industrial schools following the SENAI model. Based on Hall's notes, I seek to demonstrate the preponderant role played by technical assistance programs in scientific and educational exchanges between the two countries during the Cold War, highlighting the importance of these exchanges in promoting the transnational circulation of educational models.
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