

Áreas-Degradadas; Geoprocessamento; Recuperação; Intervenção


This study addresses the dynamics of fires and the subsequent vegetation regeneration in the Cerrado biome, focusing on how the frequency of burns affects the ecosystem's resilience and recovery. Using satellite images from the MODIS sensor for a period of 22 years (2001-2023), we evaluated the extent of burned areas, the frequency of fires, and the effectiveness of post-burn vegetation regeneration processes. The analysis reveals that approximately 60% of the total area of the Cerrado was affected by fires, with specific years, such as 2007, 2010, and 2012, showing a high number of burned area fragments. The regeneration analysis, based on the number of fragments and the total burned area, indicates that although the Cerrado's resilience remains high under an 80% regeneration criterion, there is an emerging concern regarding the capacity for complete regeneration, especially considering a threshold of 95%. The results suggest that, despite frequent fires, the Cerrado's regenerative capacity may be diminishing, potentially due to soil nutrient loss after successive burning events. Based on this study, it can be used to develop management strategies and interventions aimed at ensuring the preservation and sustainability of this important biome, highlighting the complexity of facing natural disasters amidst climate changes.

Author Biographies

Jonathan da Rocha Miranda, Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais

Graduated in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering from UFMG, with a master's degree in Water Resources and a PhD in Agricultural Engineering from UFLA. Has experience in satellite image processing for environmental and agricultural monitoring, using machine learning techniques. Additionally, has expertise in remote sensing, geoprocessing, and irrigation management.

Juliana Terezinha Santos Cruz, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santos - Campus Alegre

With a degree in Forestry Engineering from the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Minas Gerais (IFMG), this person has stood out in both the academic and professional spheres for their significant contribution to research projects focused on geoprocessing applied to environmental monitoring and the study of wildfires. Throughout their academic career, they developed deep technical and theoretical skills that enabled a comprehensive understanding of forest ecosystems and geographic information technologies.

Luana Kássia Gomes Linhares, Universidade Federal do Espirito Santos - Campus Alegre

Graduated in Forestry Engineering from IFMG - São João Evangelista Campus, my journey includes extensive experience in practical activities and projects. I volunteered at the IFMG Seedling Nursery in 2019 and at the Agroecological Garden Project in 2022. Furthermore, I was involved in geoprocessing research for the distinction of forest fire foci, applying advanced techniques for monitoring and fire prevention, reinforcing my contribution to environmental preservation and sustainable resource management

Gracielle de Brito Salles, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

I have a degree in Agricultural and Environmental Engineering and a master's degree in Plant Production from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, in addition to technical courses in Chemistry and Agriculture. My experience encompasses environmental monitoring, restoration of degraded areas, soil studies, environmental assessments, geoprocessing, and water resources management. I have been working with a focus on sustainability and the efficient use of natural resources.

Bruno Oliveira Lafetá, Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais - Campus São João Evangelista

The professor works at IFMG, where he has been Coordinator of technical, technological, and higher education courses. He has taught at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and has a background in Forestry Engineering, with a master's and a PhD in the field. He has experience in Programming, Statistics, Geoprocessing, among others, and works with artificial intelligences such as Neural Networks, Support Vector Machine, and Random Forest


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How to Cite

Miranda, J. da R., Cruz, J. T. S. ., Linhares, L. K. G. ., Salles, G. de B., & Lafetá, B. O. (2024). TEMPORAL AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF THE MODIS SENSOR IN MONITORING POST-FIRE REGENERATION IN THE CERRADO. REVISTA GEOGRÁFICA ACADÊMICA, 18(2), 5–18. Retrieved from http://revista.ufrr.br/rga/article/view/8125

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