Uma hipótese sobre a formação política do Brasil:

açambarcamento da política e apropriação monopólica do poder social




campo político, formação política do Brasil, luta de classes



The aim of this essay is to contribute to studies on the political formation of Brazil. In this sense, it looks at the development of national history and aims to explain the national political sphere and its development in connection with the economy, culture and other spheres of society. When talking about politics, its object will be the process of shaping institutional politics, as well as the politics and political movements and aspirations of social groups, the so-called so-called civil society. Brazilian politics', in its entirety, is understood here as this relationship between 'official politics' and independent and autonomous political initiatives and political movements of sectors of civil society. The conclusion is that the political structure of the Brazilian state was created with the aim of closing in on itself, concretely preventing the entry of other social subjects into the political sphere and the possibility of their influencing political decisions, as well as any responsiveness on the part of the state to their demands. The violent repression of popular social mobilizations with the aim of silencing these political initiatives was an essential part of the constitution of national institutional politics and, consequently, of the total Brazilian politics aimed at by the country's political and economic elites. Popular political initiatives were stripped of all legitimacy by these same elites and attributed to violence, disruption of the social order and civilizational backwardness. The elites have thus succeeded and continue to do the symbolic work of delegitimizing popular political initiatives.

KEYWORDS: political field, political formation of Brazil, class struggle.

Author Biography

David Junior de Souza Silva, Universidade Federal do Amapá - UNIFAP

Professor do curso de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal do Amapá. Doutorando em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Goiás. Mestre em Sociologia, Graduado em Ciências Sociais.


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How to Cite

SOUZA SILVA, D. J. de. Uma hipótese sobre a formação política do Brasil: : açambarcamento da política e apropriação monopólica do poder social . Textos e Debates, [S. l.], v. 28, n. 02, p. e7859, 2022. DOI: 10.18227/2317-1448ted.v28i02.7859. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 mar. 2025.