Construção da imagem do migrante venezuelano na mídia de Roraima
Venezuelan migration, transmedia discursive readings, symbolic violenceAbstract
In the last seven years, the increase in Venezuelan migration to other Latin American countries, as a result of the severe economic situation, has been significant. The border with Roraima, specifically Pacaraima and Boa Vista, has received an important migratory wave, which has demanded responses from the Federal and Regional Governments. Visualizing how the image of this migration is constructed, and the subjectivities related to it, generated through digital media in the state of Roraima, is the purpose of this article. We start from the idea of considering the media as systems of power and opinion formation, which produce their discourses, their narratives and, through them, affect the ways of perceiving the world and “normalizing” realities. In the current migratory context, the participation of the media has a fundamental relevance, in putting its vision on how and why these displacements are taking place. In this process, when it comes to journalistic production, images are the first to be noticed, along with headlines, which is the main format in which these discourses circulate in digital media. To understand how this construction occurs, we carried out a transmedia discursive reading prioritizing news headlines and photographs and some parts of the text, with a sample of what was published between the years 2020 and 2022, on the portal and social networks of Jornal Folha de Boa Vista.
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