Saúde mental e migração em Roraima:

considerações sobre um fenômeno crescente


  • Isabeau Cristina de Sousa Bezerra Universidade Federal de Roraima
  • João Carlos Jarochinski Silva Universidade Federal de Roraima



International Migration, Mental Health, Ulysses Syndrome, Roraima


This article discuss the possible consequences to mental health faced by subjects in the migration process. Based on a bibliographic review, an analysis is made of the main impacts of the migratory process on the mental health of the migrant subject. As central bibliographical references appear the works developed by Joseba Achotegui, Lucienne Martin-Borges, and materials published by the WHO itself on the subject. Based on these authors and Organization, we discuss the main difficulties faced, the processes experienced during this journey, and the principal symptoms developed in this context. Taken as central to the analysis, the main characteristics pointed out by Achotegui are listed, in what he calls the Chronic and Multiple Stress Immigrant Syndrome or just Ulysses Syndrome. This syndrome is now recognized by international organizations that deal with migratory issues, so that a greater discussion about the theme is important and necessary, both to broaden the debates in order to point out ways of dealing with the mental health issues of this population, as well as to avoid clinical managements of guilt and medicalization of the subject, deepening the debate of actions to be considered in the support of affected populations. In this way, such notes are also used as a basis to criticize the medicalization of the suffering experienced by these subjects, so that the importance of its non-pathologization is emphasized, and the symptom is considered as a reflection of the objective and social conditions faced. Finally, data on the incentive actions and on the mental health support network of the migrant population in Brazil, and more specifically in the state of Roraima, which demands special attention due to the intensification in the arrival of thousands of Venezuelan migrants in recent years, entering the country through the border between the two countries.


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How to Cite

DE SOUSA BEZERRA, I. C. .; JAROCHINSKI SILVA, J. C. Saúde mental e migração em Roraima:: considerações sobre um fenômeno crescente. Textos e Debates, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 01, p. 160–189, 2021. DOI: 10.18227/2317-1448ted.v27i01.7813. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 mar. 2025.