an analysis of the psychosocial development of the autistic teenager
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Autistic Disorder, Adolescent, Adolescent DevelopmentAbstract
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder which affects mainly the communication and social reciprocity of individuals stricken by it. Signals of the disorder can be identified since the first years of child development, and will last until the end of life. The analyzed series shows a representation of an autistic adolescent called Sam Gardner in his trajectory towards adulthood. The general objective of this research was to analyze how the psychosocial development of the teenager portrayed in the show influenced his decisions and social relations. Initially a bibliographical research was carried out around the theme “Atypical: an analysis of the psychosocial development of the autistic teenager”, and posteriorly was made an analysis of Atypical, which was published by Netflix in 2017. Throughout the series, it was possible to observe a sequence of similarities between Sam’s behavior and what would be expected from an autistic teenager according to the theoretical basis.
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