Studies and research on Afro-Brazilian culture based on Law 10,639/2003 and 11,645/2008 at the São José State High School in Óbidos/PA.
Afro-Brazilian culture. Curriculum. Education.Abstract
In this study we aim to reflect on studies and research on Afro-Brazilian culture at the São José State High School in Óbidos in the State of Pará and with a main focus on Law 10.639/2003, already amended by Law 11.645/2008 which establishes the guidelines and bases of national education, to include in the official curriculum of the Education Network the mandatory subject of Afro-Brazilian and indigenous History and Culture. From this perspective, we theoretically address education, curriculum, didactics and the importance of studies and research on Afro-Brazilian culture, until we arrive to that is most interesting in the emphasis of this research, which is the importance of understanding and studying the entire Afro-Brazilian process that developed in the researched school.
Fontes Orais
ALBUQUERQUE, Sofia Maria da Silva. Entrevista concedida a Leandro de Castro Tavares. Óbidos/PA, Junho de 2015.
AQUINO, Paula Andrea Gomes de. Entrevista concedida a Leandro de Castro Tavares. Óbidos/PA, Junho de 2015.
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