Anti-racist transformation
educational experience in a school in Fortaleza, CE
Anti-racist education;, Pedagogical Residency;, Elective;, Racism.Abstract
The report highlights the contribution to anti-racist education based on an experience in a high school institution in Fortaleza, CE. Starting from the Pedagogical Residency program of the Social Sciences course at UECE, the journey was marked by challenges and learning, integrating into the school environment and taking an elective course on Racism and Ethnic-Racial Relations. The methodology involved the development of the discipline over six months, with approaches to racism, racial inequality and black culture, including playful activities and debates. The results showed the positive impact on students, with reports of contentment, interest in participating again and self-identification as anti-racist individuals. The discussion emphasizes the importance of anti-racist education in deconstructing racist patterns and promoting equality. The importance of disseminating these practices throughout the school community to contribute to anti-racist and emancipatory education is concluded.
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