Autoethnography in International Relations
an Ethical-Methodological Discussion from a Personal Journey
Autoethnography, Ethics, Indigenous peoplesAbstract
This paper addresses the possibilities of autoethnography as an ethical protocol for academic work involving Indigenous peoples, given the urgent task of decolonising the University and scientific knowledge. Resonating with the recent Narrative Turn in International Relations, the professor-subject presents himself in his bodily and affective commitments, and sets out to analyse the consequences of these circumstances. This discussion is divided into two parts. In the first, João Urt moves between autoethnography, autobiography and autofiction to discuss ten years of his experience working with indigenous people - students, leaders, territories and themes. In the second, Tchella Maso starts from the account of this personal trajectory towards an affective-reflexive turn, the implications of which are the subject of a critical, epistemological, methodological and ethical reflection. The work is based on an encounter between the reflections of indigenous authors and Feminist Anthropology, more specifically in its use of first-person writing as an ethical mechanism for questioning power structures.
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