Lei Antiterrorismo
ameaça constante aos movimentos sociais no Brasil
Lei Antiterrorismo, Movimentos Sociais, BrasilAbstract
This work presents an analysis of the establishment of Brazilian anti-terrorism law, looking mainly at how the risk of repression of social movements permeated this process and is still present. The repudiation of terrorism has been present in the Brazilian Constitution since 1988, however, despite several attempts, a legal framework specifically aimed at this crime was only established in 2016. In these discussions, one of the recurring arguments was the danger that such a law could represent for social movements, as it opened legal loopholes for the criminalization of the activities of these groups. Considering these discussions, this work seeks precisely to look at this process, analyzing the reasons for such fear, how it influenced the blocking of a law of this type for so long and what the status of this discussion is today. As a source, documentation relating to the processing of the proposed law will be used mainly, as well as secondary sources relating to the political backstage in this context.
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