Resignifications and revitalizations of the uterus in women's circles:
bonding and recovering life
Women's circles, uterus, female body, embodimentAbstract
In the Women's Circles and as part of the Alternative Feminine Spiritualities movement, other ways of re-signifying and revitalizing the body/being of women have been elaborated. The present text explores the bodily dimension as a central element for the understanding of cultural/corporal phenomena in the context of Women's Circles, thus we approach the ways in which women embodiment the meanings and sensibilities of this shared culture, ways of being, feeling; how they embodiment and experience the symbolisms around the body, the womb, nature and the cosmos, channeling processes of wellbeing and self-healing. We highlight the bodily and cosmogonic aspects around the womb. Women embody another body culture, binding with other women, nature and the cosmos.
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