Jogos Indígenas, Educação Intercultural, Currículo, Sala de AulaAbstract
Abstract: The proposal that moves this study is based on a bibliographical research that aims to analyze how the activities carried out in the Indigenous Games can be used in the curriculum, considering the memories and culture of the original peoples, correlating them to the requirements of Law 11.645/2008. Thinking about the Indigenous Games from this perspective is a response that the school needs to give to the countless cultures present in society, in the roles that teachers can play in the development of the curriculum, specifically when one wants to attend to diversity and also in the potentialities of intercultural education in the sense of renewing a curriculum that materializes the principle of a school for all. We will seek a dialogue with the main authors on interculturality, identity, concepts about the inter and multicultural curriculum, and its connection with diversity, using the Indigenous Games to analyze different forms of knowledge built in these events, so that it is possible to bring them closer to teaching practices and propose intercultural activity in the school, in accordance with the legislation. In this direction, Grando, Xavante and Campos (2015) bring in their work an important study on indigenous games and games present in the memory of adults and elderly people from 18 indigenous ethnic groups. On the other hand, Cuyabano (2010) expands the discussion by contextualizing the historical relations between the original peoples and the non-indigenous society, based on the dialogue with the experiences lived in the games and current literature. In the same direction, the author Silva (2014) in his book “Identity and difference: the perspective of Cultural Studies” presents the importance of the concept of identity and the relations between culture, identity and difference. In turn, direction Brighenti (2022) presents the relationship between Law 11.445, intercultural education that can be experienced at school. In another direction, the authors Dorrico (2021) and Delmondez and Pulino (2014), discuss the relationship between indigenous education and indigenous school education, among other authors with an important contribution on the intercultural curriculum in this study. In this perspective, we place this work, which seeks a democratic, fair and plural education, with special relevance in the current moment marked by conservative and reactionary perspectives, guided by the decolonial perspective and its interrelationship with critical intercultural education.
Keywords: Indigenous Games. Intercultural Education. Curriculum. Classroom.
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