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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • It must be an unpublished contribution, and not being evaluated for publication by another journal. If this is not the case, justify it in "Comments to the editor".
  • The text should be without sophisticated formatting features, the figures and tables should have their place indicated in the text and be sent as a separate file.
  • The text should follow the formatting requirements of the journal, according to the "Authors Guidelines" in the "About" section. The bibliographic information must be correct and complete, including DOI or electronic address if applicable.
  • Verify that the author ID has been removed within the text and in the document properties.
  • Authors should provide, through the OJS platform, information regarding the academic background, organization and area in which they act. If applicable, indicate the source of research funding and potential conflicts of interest.

Author Guidelines

1. Types of Accepted Papers The Textos e Debates accepts unpublished works in the form of articles, communications and reviews: i. Articles: academic texts resulting from research on one or more topics. ii. Communications: expositions made from preliminary critical studies on a certain subject of research or academic extension, as well as texts that evaluate the state of the art of a certain field of knowledge; iii. Reviews: critical book summaries, published within the last three years, presenting the contents, methodologies, theories and main conclusions of the book reviewed. The works should be sent by digital means through the OJS platform, available at: In the submission process, the author must follow all the steps indicated in the instructions of the online platform. 2. Co-authoring In case of an article with collective authorship, the text must be submitted by the first author. In case of approval, all authors must show their compliance with the document to be published. The journal does not accept articles with more than three authors. 3. Reviews The reviews must have a maximum of seven thousand characters, with space, respecting the same formatting of the articles. However, they should not contain graphics and summary. It is optional to include bibliography in addition to the title reviewed. 4. Articles and Communications Articles and communications must not exceed 36,000 characters (including spaces), Times New Roman font, size 12pt, 1.5 line spacing and justified paragraph. The texts must contain: Title, Abstract, Bibliographical References. It also accepts images, graphs, tables and notes. 5. Abstract The abstract, with a maximum of 970 characters (including spaces) and three keywords, must be written in clear language and presented in two languages (original article plus a second language). 6. Notes and citations Citations with up to 3 lines must have quotation marks and inserted in the body of the text. The quotation that exceeds 3 lines must be indented and inserted in its own paragraph, with a 4 cm indentation, in a font size 10pt. The citation should contain the name of the author, the year of the work and the pages. The notes, when indispensable, are footer, short and substantive, numbered sequentially and without specific formatting. The reference notes are inserted in the text, following the pattern: (Author, year, page). If there is more than one work by the same author in a year, it comes accompanied by a sequential letter of the alphabet. Example: (FERNANDES, 1998a; 1998b). 7. Images and Tables Graphics, figures and tables must be positioned properly in the body of the text, but it is also necessary to send them in separate files. Images must be in high definition JPEG file and can be colored. 8. Bibliographic References The references are presented at the end of the paper, listed in alphabetical order and without numeration, according to the NBR 6023 standard. Examples: a) book: SURNAME, Name. Title in italics. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year. b) chapter: SURNAME, Name. Title of chapter. In: First Name Last Name (org.). Title of the book in italics. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year. P. xx-yy. c) article: SURNAME, Name. Title of the article. Title of the journal in italics, v. year-or-volume, n. number-or-fascicle, e.g. xx-yy, year. d) electronic publications: follow the above standard, plus DOI or complete address and date of reading.

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