Weaving Identities:

Abdias Nascimento and the Teatro Experimental do Negro - TEN





Abdias Nascimento, Teatro Experimental do Negro, Art-education


This article presents the valuable contributions of Abdias Nascimento, considered the greatest Griot when it comes to art, education and politics. One of his main legacies is the Teatro Experimental do Negro - TEN. In this perspective, we seek to reflect on the relevance of black bodies both on and off stage, fighting structural racism, social exclusion and fighting for an anti-racist education. Throughout this text, the trajectory of Abdias Nascimento is intertwined with the emergence and development of TEN, in a descriptive historical and exploratory research that uses the historical-critical methodology and has as its main source the Institute of Afro-Brazilian Research and Studies - Ipeafro. As a result, it is possible to observe how Abdias' trajectory and TEN contribute to promote a more plural and inclusive education.

Author Biography

Heverton Luis Barros Reis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Doutorando em Educação (UFRN), na linha de pesquisa de Educação, Estudos Sociohistóricos e Filosóficos. Tendo como apoio financeiro a CNPQ, bolsa CAPES. Mestre em Estudos Étnicos e Africanos (UFBA). Licenciado em História (UNEB). Bacharel em Artes (UFBA).


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How to Cite

REIS, H. L. B. . Weaving Identities: : Abdias Nascimento and the Teatro Experimental do Negro - TEN. Revista Educação, Pesquisa e Inclusão, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, 2023. DOI: 10.18227/2675-3294repi.v4i1.7918. Disponível em: http://revista.ufrr.br/repi/article/view/7918. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Dossiê Educação e Interculturalidade