Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome: incidence and epidemiological profile of infected patients reported at the general hospital of Roraima
AIDS, streamingAbstract
Introduction: Human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is still a serious global public health problem. Currently, estimation of the incidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in different groups of the Brazilian population is fundamental to subsidize the development of prevention strategies, to monitor ongoing interventions, and to assess the impact of universal therapy. Objective: To describe the incidence and profile of AIDS patients in Boa Vista-Roraima. Methods: Through the public database of the AIDS Reporting System between 2014 and 2018. Results: There were 1,670 new cases of HIV infection reported in the period, 70.8% men. Mode of transmission: 70% for sexual transmission, without reference to accidents with biological material or blood transfusion, 30% did not report the route. Regarding the type of sexual practice, in men: 31.9% of cases were for homossexual intercourse, 29% reported heterosexual intercourse, 5.6% reported bisexual intercourse and 33.5% did not want to report; in women, 95% reported heterosexual intercourse and 5% did not report. Clinical Manifestations: 53% cachexia and asthenia, 41% persistent fever, 37.5% cough, 32% chronic diarrhea, 24.8% anemia, lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia, 22.6% oral candidosis or hairy leukoplakia, 19.8% dermatitis persistent, 11.3% neurotoxoplasmosis, 10.6% CNS dysfunction, 4.9% lymphadenopathy, 4.2% cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis, 3.5% herpes zoster among others. Conclusion: It was verified that among the infected patients there is a predominance of men, pardos, low level of education and sexual pathway as the main form of infection. The most prevalent manifestations were cachexia, fever, cough, diarrhea and oral candidiasis.
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