Wetlands, Economic potential, Land use and land coverAbstract
The fluviomarine plains in a situation of hypersalinity are ecosystems characteristic of tropical zones, condition which is made possible by the high evaporation and scarce rainfall, giving rise to the crystallization of seawater salts on the soil surface. In addition, they face constant occupation even in unfavorable circumstances. This research aims to identify and monitor the potential for economic activities in the fluviomarine plain of the Apodi-Mossoró river through the DPSIR structure (Demand-Pression-State-Impact-Response), which can provide an analysis of the relationships systemic between anthropic and environmental actions. For this, bibliographic surveys, and Control Listing (Checklist) were carried out in the field to identify the main indicators that characterize the problem. The results showed that the demands for food, energy, and real estate space cause various pressures on the natural state, so that the most significant impacts are the loss of biodiversity and changes in the natural composition of the soil, caused mainly by shrimp farming, solar salt flats, onshore oil activity and population growth. To mitigate this damage and ensure sustainability, the main responses were inspection based on environmental standards and the implementation of environmental sanitation.
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