Network play important role in chronic diseases: a literature review
Inflammatory diseases, neutrophils, NETs, type 1 diabetes mellitus, thrombosis, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosisAbstract
Introduction: Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are the result of extrusion of various components by neutrophils, and act to eradicate the pathogens present, as well as providing mechanical barrier, thus preventing the spread of microorganisms. Chronic diseases have been found to have a significant influence on these NETs, which by specific mechanisms produce negative effects on pathogenesis. Methods: Bibliographic review using Google Scholar, Medline, Center for Biotechnology Information (PubMed) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) as databases. The search was performed in articles published from 2000 to 2019, in Portuguese and/or English languages. Development: It was evidenced that each disease in question is aggravated by NETs in a different way, either by inflammatory exacerbation or physical barrier, and the participation of pathogens in the neutrophil stimulation inducing process can be considered. Conclusion: Understanding the process of formation of NETs, ie, NETose, may help future findings that could contribute to mitigate the injury caused by the neutrophil mechanism, which involves multiple cytokines, granules and DNA molecules.
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