Ascaris lumbricóides in infants - Case report


  • Samantha X. N. Quadros Curso de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Roraima, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brasil.
  • Adelma A. Figueiredo Curso de Medicina, Universidade Federal de Roraima, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brasil.



Gallbladder, child, Ascaris lumbricoides


Biliary ascariasis is a rare occurrence in which the helminth Ascaris lumbricoides travels through the bile ducts, entering the gallbladder. The present study aims to report a clinical case of a child patient of only 11 months, admitted to the emergency room in Boa Vista, Roraima; with history of jaundice, fever and abdominal distension for 03 days. She evolved with hemodynamic instability, requiring treatment in ICU. Ultrasonographic diagnosis of intravesicular ascariasis was performed. The clinical treatment with anthelmintics was made and the patient evolved with improvement, with resolution of the verminosis without the need for the endoscopic or surgical procedure. We observeda case of cholecystitis due to complicated ascariasis in infants.This complication is uncommon in our environment, especially in young children due to the reduced diameter of the cystic duct, and the potential difficulty of the helminth to invade the gallbladder.


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How to Cite

Quadros, S. X. N. ., & Figueiredo, A. A. . . (2018). Ascaris lumbricóides in infants - Case report. Health & Diversity Journal, 2(2), 61–63.


