Use of Aloe veraL. in wound healing: a literature review
Aloe vera, wound healing, medicinal plantsAbstract
Introduction: Medicinal plants are being used as an alternative or therapeutic complement, being Aloe veraL., used for the treatment of several types of cutaneous lesions. Methods: This research consisted of a bibliographical review with a careful selection of articles from the search strategy "PICO" on the efficacy of Aloe vera(babosa) in wound healing, through the electronic databases: PubMed, BVS and SciELO. The uniterms used were: Aloe veraand wound healing and medicinal plants. The data collection was carried out in April and May 2018. Development: 43 articles were identified distributed among the three key words. After this initial result, 06 articles were selected as corresponding to the predefined quality standards, such as clarity of information, adequate methodology and clinical relevance to the proposed study. It was evidenced in three articles that Aloe veradecreases wound healing time when compared to the control group. As for the other three studies, one showed a reduction in wound treatment time when compared to dry gauze without topical agent, but the healing rate was not different when compared to cream without Aloe vera; two studies had positive effects, however the result did not show the efficacy of Aloe vera. Conclusion: In view of the selected articles, only three demonstrated that products containing Aloe veraaccelerate the healing process, however, there is still a lack of available studies on its efficacy to legitimize its use with safety.
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