Narrative review on the importance of performing the correct laboratory tests
Quality control, quality indicators, clinical diagnosis, quality improvementAbstract
Introduction: Laboratory tests are essential in the diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up therapy of various diseases. The clinical laboratory should ensure that all steps are followed so that no errors are inserted in the results. Objective: This work aimed to elaborate a narrative review on the importance of the correct execution of the laboratory tests. Methods: It was performed through the selection of articles available in the Scielo database, limiting the search between the period from 2009 to 2016 and using the following descriptors: quality control, quality indicators, clinical diagnosis, quality improvement and laboratory management. Development: According to the research carried out, this review pointed to studies related to the main errors that occur in the different phases of a clinical laboratory and discusses the importance of the correct execution of the tests that aid in the prevention of diseases. Conclusion: The damages caused by errors in the execution of the laboratory tests affect the clinical decisions, the correct diagnosis, the prognosis and consequently the therapeutics.
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