An alert about teratogens in Roraima
Teratology, pregnancy, complications in pregnancy, growth, development, embryologyAbstract
Teratology studies the environmental contribution in the abnormal development of the child. Teratogens are defined as any substance, organism, physical agent or state of deficiency that is present in embryonic or fetal life, produces a congenital defect. Although in the current literature there is no epidemiological survey about congenital malformations for the state of Roraima, we present here that this Amazonian space is a favorable environment for the development of these anomalies. As the state's economy is focused on agricultural and mining activities, waste from these activities, such as heavy metals and agrochemicals, routinely pollute soils and rivers and, consequently, plantations destined for animal and human consumption. In addition, some native plants, used for medicinal purposes by a large part of the roraimenses, have teratogenic potential or abortive characteristics. In addition, Roraima's own climate favors the proliferation of mosquitoes transmitting infectious agents, which are considered as teratogenic agents, such as Dengue and Zika viruses. We also highlight the risks related to the use of medications and the consumption of alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy. This article aims to alert the general population about the potential impacts caused by teratogens presente in our environment and our daily life.
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