Depression in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a brief integrative literature review
Anxiety, depression, quality of life, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseAbstract
Introduction: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a disease characterized by persistent or partially reversible air level obstruction associated with comorbidities. It is a preventable disease and little associated with genetic deficiency. A number of factors increase COPD incidence, such as environmental and occupational pollution, smoking and the delay in implementing public policies aimed at prevention. Objective: The propose of this work was to perform a comprehensive study about recurrent lung disease and understand the impacts on the life quality of people with COPD through an integrative literature review. Methods: The following data sources were searched between 2011 to 2021: Scielo, PubMed, Medline, UpToDate and Google Scholar and the health descriptors (DECS) were anxiety, depression. quality of life and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Results: After careful review of the research, the number of article selected in this review was five and the process used to narrow down the study relevance to COPD in the life quality. Conclusion: Upon concluding the literature review, we found that COPD is a disabling lung disease that affects the patient's daily life and the majority of the patients showed severe levels of anxiety with a predominance of moderate levels of depression. Therefore, the research conducted aimed to contribute to the medical community in the diagnosis, clinical and laboratory characteristics of COPD. In addition to elucidating treatments and the best practices to be followed by health professionals. Future studies may relate the involvement family caregivers on the improving outcomes of the patients with COPD.
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