Hypsometric models for a clonal plantation of Tectona grandis Linn F. subjected to selective thinning
Height estimation model. Planted forest. Forest inventory. Teak.Resumo
At a moment when the importance of planted forests in the Amazon region is increasing, hypsometric models become highly relevant tools as they allow monitoring of and planning for tree plantations in a way that is practical and economic for the producer. Thus, the objective of the current study was to select and adjust a model of hypsometric relationships for a clonal plantation of Tectona grandis Linn F., submitted to selective thinning, located in Capitão Poço municipality, Pará state, Brazil. Data were collected from permanent plots in five-year-old stands using the fixed area method and systematic process. The best adjusted model was selected with an adjusted determination coefficient (R²aj.%), residual standard deviation of the percentage estimate (Syx%), recalculated residual standard error (Syxr%), diagnosis of distribution of residuals as a percentage and the Percent Average Deviation (PAD%). Hyperbolic models 2 and 3 had the highest determination coefficients (83.42 and 83.40%) and lowest PAD (-0.006 and -0.154%). The polynomial (1) and hyperbolic models (2 and 3) showed the smallest errors in related to the estimates. Model 2 (hyperbolic) was found to generate the best estimate of total T. grandis clonal plantation height. Use of this hypsometric model will allow a significant reduction of costs and time in forest inventory studies.Downloads
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