Environments and substrates for “pimenta-de-cheiro” (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) seedling production in the Amazon savana
https://doi.org/10.18227/1982-8470ragro.v16i0.7309Palabras clave:
Shading nets, Quality seedlings, Photosynthetic radiationResumen
Quality seedlings production is one of the most important steps in the cultivation of vegetable species. In this sense, the objective was to evaluate the influence of different environments and substrates on the production of “pimenta-de-cheiro” (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) seedlings in Boa Vista, Roraima. An experiment was installed in a completely randomized design (CRD), with treatments
arranged in subdivided plots. Five environments were evaluated: AG - agricultural greenhouse; TV35 - red shading net with 35% shading (red ChromatiNet®); TV50 - red shading net with 50% shading (red ChromatiNet®); TP35 - silver shading net with 35% shading (ChromatiNet® silver) and TP50 - silver shading net with 50% shading (ChromatiNet® silver) and four substrates: O -OrganoAmazon®; OP - OrganoAmazon® and PuroHumus®; OPSE (OrganoAmazon®, PuroHumus®, soil and manure) and OPSEC (OrganoAmazon®, PuroHumus®, soil, manure and carbonized rice husk). On the TP35 and TP50 shading nets, the C. Chinense grown on the OP substrate showed high Dickson’s quality index (DQI). The combination agricultural greenhouse (EA) and OPSE substrate promoted superior quality Capsicum chinense seedlings. The substrates OPSEC and OPSE are more affordable alternatives for the production of Capsicum chinense seedlings. Shading nets, associated with the alternative substrates, do not favor the production of quality Capsicum chinense seedlings under Amazon savanna conditions.
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