Management knowledge to promote human resource in local governments
Local Governments, Management, Knowledge, Human Resource.Abstract
In a global world the private and public organization should be competitive and respond to all the society necessities. In 1989 was started a decentralization process in Venezuela, the local government should play a protagonic role and they should be efficient in their process this involves human resource training. The management knowledge to establish spaces to create and diffuse the knowledges that lead to an organizational learning and better individual competences, therefore we can talk about intelligent organizations. This article is made to pretend established the important of management knowledge at the local governments, to encourage at human resource, improving their performance. Therefore, are explained four theorical aspects: local governments, management knowledge, some management approach and the creativity. It was done a documental revision of the saying aspects permitting to confirm that the management knowledge can to contribute to improve the performance of the person in the local governments.Downloads
Administração de Pessoal e Recursos Humanos (Personnel Management and Human Resources)