Avaliação de Propriedades Físicas e Mecânicas de Concretos Produzidos com a Utilização de Diferentes Impermeabilizantes
mecanismos de transporte; impermeabilização; impermeabilizantes hidrofugantes; impermeabilizantes cristalizantes.Abstract
The objective of this work was to study the effect of hydrophobic and crystallizing agents applied to concrete, by carrying out axial compression resistance tests (NBR 16.889/2020), water absorption by immersion (NBR 9778/2009) and water absorption by capillarity (NBR 9779/2012). The results suggest the interference of the waterproofing additive in the mechanical properties of the concrete, causing a 37% drop in the resistance of concretes produced with water repellent additive and 28% for concretes with the addition of crystallizers. With regard to watertightness, the results indicate little effectiveness of waterproofing additives, in which a 7.83% reduction in absorption was obtained with the use of crystallizing additives and even a 1.44% increase in absorption with the use of water repellent additives.
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