Salinization at the mouth of the São Francisco River: impacts on the Potengi community, Alagoas, Brazil
Health. Potability. Salinity. Water supply.Resumo
The salinization process at the mouth of the São Francisco River has been caused serious damage to the ecosystem and the quality of life among riverine populations. This study aimed to assess the perception of the riverine populations regarding the effects of water salinization at the mouth of the São Francisco River, and also to analyze the quality of water that is provided to the Potengi community in Piaçabuçu, Alagoas, Brazil. For data collection, semi- tructured interviews were conducted with 22 riverine residents. The analyses of water samples were carried out at four places in the community, in which analyzes of pH, electrical conductivity, determination of salinity, and turbidity of the water were made. It was possible to identify, during the performance of this study, the inefficiency of the public authorities, both concerning the informative and mitigating actions, as the exposure of the population to high levels of sodium and turbid water, leading to changes in the parameters concerning data established by the World Health Organization (WHO). The results revealed that one of the samples analyzed presented a saline level 17 times higher than the limit established by the WHO, and a turbidity index was 15.6 times higher than the technical limit established. Therefore, these changes have affected the health of the community, directly compromising the use of water and the composition of the biota in the region.Downloads
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