Characterization and quality assessment of frozen tropical fruit pulp
Chemical analysis. PIQ. Frozen pulp.Resumo
Given the increase in the production, commercialization andconsumption of fruit pulp in southwest Piauí state (PI), Brazil, research is needed to gain information on the composition of products already on the market. As such, this study aimed to assess the quality of fruit pulp based on standards established by current legislation. The pulps studied were acerola, cajá, cupuaçu, guava and passion fruit, which were thawed and homogenized. The samples were stored with three replications and the following assessed: total soluble solids (TSS), tritratable acidity (TA), pH and total vitamin C. The TSS (°Brix) and TA (% citric acid) values in acerola, cajá, cupuaçu, guava and passion fruit pulps were 5.20º and 1.02%, 3.20º and 0.86%, 13.24º and 2.42%, 4.80° and 0.64% and 6.20º and 2.41%, respectively. The pH values of acerola (3.00) and cupuaçu (3.02) pulps were in line with legislation (Ordinance 58, of August 30, 2016), whereas cajá (2.05), guava (2.72) and passion fruit (2.72) were below the established limit. With respect to vitamin C, acerola (1015.42 mg per 100 g), cajá (49.60 mg per 100 g), guava (29.0 mg per 100 g) and passion fruit (22.25 mg per 100 g) were in accordance with legislation, where as cupuaçu was below the legally stipulated content (11.68 mg per 100 g). All the pulps studied had at least one characteristic that did not meet the minimum legal requirement, which can be resolved by adopting good manufacturing practices that comply with legislation.Downloads
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