Production chain for brazil-nuts (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.) at Ipaú-Anilzinho extractive reserve, municipality of Baião, Pará, Amazonian Brazil
Nuts. Economic aspects. Commercialization links. Vegetal extractivism. RESEX.Resumo
Brazil nuts are an important source of income for many Amazon people. Consequently, the aim of this study was to characterize the production chain for brazil-nuts at an Extractive Reserve named Ipaú-Anilzinho, in the context of the economic and market aspects. Data collection occurred via site visits and semistructured interviews, using questionnaires with 14 informants all occupying key positions the within-RESEX production chain, using the Rapid Rural Diagnosis (RRD) technique. Selection of key informants followed the Snowball non-probabilistic sampling method. Chain characterization used Filière Analysis of main chain links were identified and described and costs and generated revenue estimated for the different levels of activity, as was marginal values and commercialization markup. Results demonstrated that brazil-nut extractivism occurs in a traditional way, based on the family-based labour force, and is done by people with low level of educational and average age of over 50 years. Labour costs were the main part of the total activity costs. The retailer was found to be the biggest profit earner in relation to the price paid by the consumer, and so effectively set the price of the product. Among the obstacles found, the low price received by producers and middlemen in the community is notable, since it accrues low levels of benefit and low aggregation values, resulting in a decrease in the commercialization margin and in the income of families in the community.Downloads
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