Desorption isotherms and isosteric heat of niger grains (Guizotia abyssinica (L. f.) Cass.)
Hygroscopic equilibrium. Mathematical modelling. Equilibrium moisture content.Resumo
Niger seed oil has excellent quality and quantity (30-50%) and is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly linoleic acid (about 70%). Thus, control of environmental temperature and relative humidity, and of seed moisture content is essential to maintain seed oil quality during storage. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the desorption isotherms of niger seeds under different temperature and water activity conditions, to test the experimental data with different mathematical models, and discover which best represents the phenomenon, as well as calculate the isosteric heat value for the product. Hygroscopicity was determined by the static gravimetric method, at temperatures of 30, 35 and 40 ºC, and water activity between 0.07 and 0.79 (decimal). For the experimental data, mathematical models commonly used to test hygroscopicity in agricultural products were evaluated. From the results obtained, it was concluded that: water activity increases as moisture content rises; based on the statistical parameters, the models of Chung and Pfost, modified Henderson, Oswin, Sabbah, Sigma Copace, Halsey, Smith and Copace appropriatrely represented the desorption phenomenon of niger seeds; total isosteric desorption heat increased with reduction of moisture content, with values varying from 2539.62 to 3081.48 kJ kg-1, within the range of equilibrium moisture content of 2.4 to 12.2 (% dry basis).Downloads
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