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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS (07/19/2017) Agro@mbiente On-line does not charge authors any type of submission or publication fee (ITEM 3.0). The registration (login and password) of the responsible author is obligatory for submitting articles online and following up the procedure of the submitted article. Access our page and make your registration, at the address http: // or Attention: Agro@mbiente Journal's rules may change, so be sure to consult them before submitting an article. The Revista Agro@mbiente On-line, published by the Agrarian Sciences Center of the Federal University of Roraima, presents continuous continuous publication and and has up to seven sections: Original Scientific Article - Paper, Thematic Review Article - Review, Case - Case Report; Short Notice - Short Note, Technical Note, Scientific Disclosure - Pop Science, Related Subjects - Interdisciplinary Subjects of original quality and unpublished or submitted to another journal, inherent in the areas of Agrarian Sciences, Environmental and Natural Resources. The Agro@mbiente On-line magazine publishes bilingual (articles in English and Portuguese). The article will be processed in Portuguese. The article after being accepted for publication will be forwarded to Portuguese reviewer and English translator. The costs of revising Portuguese (R $ 100.00 per article) and English (budget with the reviewers registered in the Journal) will be borne by the authors and paid directly to the accredited providers. Authors may also opt for the following translation services: American Journal Experts Editage Elsevier Papers subdivided in parts I, II ..., must be sent together, as they will be submitted to the same reviewers. 2. Open Access Policy Agro@mbiente Online Magazine is published under the Open Access model and allows anyone to read and download as well as copy and disseminate its content in accordance with the copyright policies Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. 3. Fees The Agro@mbiente Online Magazine does not charge authors of any kind. 4. Publication The publication of the articles will be based on originality, quality and scientific merit, being the Editor and Editorial Committee the decision. The confidentiality of the authors and reviewers will be maintained throughout the process. The journal's administration will take care that the reviewers of each article are, necessarily, different from those of the origin of the authors. 5. Evaluation 5.1. Work submitted outside the journal's rules will be canceled without communication (check before publication); 5.2. Before sending to the Reviewers, the article will be evaluated by the Area Editor who will have 10 days to issue an opinion (reject, process after adjustments, send to at least two reviewers of the area); The editors will evaluate the manuscripts as to the textual content of the scientific articles, trying to identify plagiarism, duplicate submissions, already published manuscripts and possible frauds in research; 5.3. Article that has a rejection, it will be up to the Editor the decision is awaited, or not, a second opinion; 5.4. Papers that require corrections will be returned to the authors to make the modifications suggested by the reviewers. The corrected work must return within a timeframe defined by the EDITOR. The modifications made must be highlighted (USE OTHER SOURCE COLOR), or with the justifications established in the scientific literature for the non-incorporation of those considered unacceptable. The whole process is electronic. 5.4. Communication between Editor / Author SHOULD BE ONLY WITHIN THE SYSTEM, using the NOTIFY AUTHOR icon in the subsection EDITORIAL DECISION on the EVALUATION page. 5.5. ARTICLE THAT PRESENTS MORE THAN SIX AUTHORS WILL NOT HAVE ANY SUBMISSION ACCEPTED. 5.6. The opinions expressed in the works are the sole responsibility of their authors. The Journal reserves the right to adapt the originals in order to maintain the uniformity of the publication. The Agro@mbiente Online Magazine does not provide copies or copies to authors. All articles approved and published by this journal since the first issue are available at http: // or 6.On submission is required: 6.1. Compliance with copyright certification statement that appears at the time of submission of the article; Therefore, the author responsible for the submission requests each co-author to send him/her a concordance email. The corresponding author also sends an e-mail to his/her own e-mail message to generate the data (subject, date, and), check all e-mail and copy and then paste it into Word file. Thus, when all statements of agreements are in the same document, it generates a file and submits in additional documents. The Copyright Statement Model Author Match I declare on my behalf and on behalf of the other authors I represent at the submission of this article, the AGRO@MBIENTE ON-LINE that: 6.2. The article content is the result of original data and has not been published or submitted to other journals. 6.3. In addition to the lead author, all co-authors participated in the work sufficiently to make public their responsibility for the content. 6.4. In case of acceptance of the article, the authors agree that the copyright relating thereto shall become the sole property of the AGRO@MBIENTE ON-LINE, prohibiting any reproduction, in whole or in part in any form or means of dissemination, printed or electronic, without the prior and necessary authorization requested and which, if obtained, must appear thanks to the AGRO@MBIENTE ON-LINE Center of Agricultural Sciences / UFRR. Other authors: "I ... I agree with the content of the work entitled" ..... "and the submission for publication in the journal Agro @ NVIRONMENT pursuant described by the corresponding author. 6.5. Omission of the authors' names with their corresponding footnotes, and the title of the footnote in the initial version that will be evaluated; Note: Only the in final version the authors´ space will be filled in, with the IDs in footnote (Workplace and E-mail), including the title, and the corresponding author identified with an asterisk. 7. Manuscript Formatting for all sections 7.1 - Document Structure - A4 paper, typed double-spaced, Times New Roman, regular style, size 12, paragraph indented by 1 cm (do not use tabs). All margins should be 2.5 cm. Page numbers should be placed at the top, right. The lines should be numbered continuously. Titles: Abstract and Key words should be written with only capitalized, in bold, in Times New Roman 10 font, left-aligned and separated from the text by a dash (-). The section titles in the structure (excluding resumo, palavras chaves abstract and key words) should be written with only capitalized, bold, Times New Roman 14 font, left-aligned and separated from the text by a double space. The et al. should be written in italics. 7.2 - Text Structure 7.2.1 Title in Portuguese - should be centered, Times New Roman 14 font, bold and written with only the initial capital letter with a maximum of 20 words or 100 characters. 7.2.2 - Title in English - should be centered, Times New Roman 14 font, italicized and written with only capitalized letters. Note: The number footer, taken from the title, should contain information on the nature of the article (if taken from a research project, completion of course work, thesis, dissertation and thesis) and references to collaborating or financing institutions (only in the final version). 7.2.3 - Authors: All authors must be registered (online) at time of submission of the article. THE FIRST VERSION OF ARTICLE, the names of the authors and the footnote ARE OMITTED to ensure blind evaluation. THE NAMES OF THE AUTHORS ARE ONLY INSERTED IN THE FINAL TEXT, when all processing has been completed and must be the same as those registered in the same order. THE FINAL TEXT- The full name (no abbreviations) should come under the title, with only the first letter capitalized, one after another, separated by commas and centered on the line. As FOOTNOTE (using Word tool – Reference: Footnote AB1) on the first page, you should indicate, for each author, complete affiliation (department, center, institution, city and country), email address and full address of corresponding author, who should have an asterisk superscript in his/her name with a call footer. The source used is Times New Roman 10. 7.2.4 - Summary (Abstract) - must contain at least 200 words and no more than 250 words in Times New Roman 10, justified. 7.2.5 – Key words - must contain between three and five terms for indexing, which should not appear in the title. Each key word should start with a capital letter, then a period, alphabetically. 7.2.6 - Introduction It should be compact and objective containing current quotes that are related to the subject matter covered in the survey. Citations present in the introduction should be employed to support the discussion of the results, thus creating a link between the study of art and the discussion of results. THE INTRODUCTION MUST CONTAIN between 450 and 600 WORDS. This section aims to provide the reader with the background to justify the study/research and contextualize or focus on the subject to be treated, to achieve this goal it should include the following information: description of the nature of the problem; the importance of the problem, whether social, theoretical or experimental; the relationship with other studies on the same subject; the reason or motivation to carry out the study; the limitations and specificities - theme of boundaries; establish clearly the general and specific objectives of the study and always highlight the working hypotheses, ie, a (s) your Scientific (s) contribution (s) to the solution of the problem raised. 7.2.7 - Methods It must be organized, preferably in chronological order. It must submit the description of the place, date and the design of the experiment, and indicate treatments, number of repetitions/replications, size and number of installments. It must contain a detailed description of the treatments and variables. Avoid using abbreviations or acronyms. The material and methods must be described so that another researcher can repeat the experiment. Superfluous details and extensive descriptions of commonly used techniques should be avoided. It should contain information on statistical methods and data transformations. Avoid the use of subtitles; when necessary, write them in bold lowercase, except the initial letter, at the left margin of the page. 7.2.8 - Results They are presented in a clear, objective and logical manner in order to provide a description of the main findings of the study. You should avoid comments and comparisons. Preferably they should be submitted independently of the Discussion section. Data from the Tables/Figures shuld not be described in the text (overlay information) and only important observations should be highlighted to be discussed in the Discussion section. TABLES AND FIGURES ARE CITED sequentially AFTER FIRST CALL TEXT. Do not present the same data in tables and figures. The number of tables and figures should be appropriate variables and accepted by the Editor. THE PORTUGUESE IN ARTICLES SHOULD ALSO PRESENT THE TITLE AND TABLE AND FIGURE FOOTNOTES IN ENGLISH, ITALICS AND AFTER THE TEXT IN PORTUGUESE. 7.2.9 - Discussion The results should be discussed and compared with previous knowledge, based on current articles from journals with an editorial board. Avoid abbreviations. It should not contain statements which cannot be supported by results obtained in the study or other studies cited. Citation of authors in the text: The ABNT (NBR - 6023) norms and the standards of the magazine must be observed. Example: one author citation, Pereira (2008) or (PEREIRA, 2008); with two authors, Santos and Alves (2007) or (SANTOS; ALVES, 2007); three or more authors, Albuquerque et al. (2009) or (ALBUQUERQUE et al., 2009). To name more than one author, sort by year of publication. Ex: (.. MAHL et al, 2004; Silveira et al, 2006; FURLANI et al., 2007). Use et al. in italics – os “et al.” nos exemplos não são em italicos. Tables: Table will be called consecutively numbered with Arabic numerals at the top. Do not use vertical lines. Horizontal lines should be used to separate the header and the title and this from the content, in addition to a bottom of the table. Each data must occupy a separate cell. Use double space. DO NOT USE OR BOLD CAPS IN HEADER. It is recommended that the Tables are 8.2 cm wide, not wider than 17 cm. In the text the word “table” or “figure” must appear with the first letter capitalized. Ex. Table 1 ... Explanations of the table in footnotes should be Times New Roman 10 font. Figures: graphics, photographs or drawings will take the general name figure following by increasing Arabic numerals and caption at the bottom. For the preparation of the graph e "Microsoft Windows" compatible software should be used ("Excel"). The final version must be recorded in the METAFILE or TIFF file type. RESOLUTION must be at least 500 dpi and sent in files separate from the text file. Figures should be 8.2 cm wide, not wider than 17 cm. The source employed should be Times New Roman, size 10, do not use bold in identifying axes. The lines of the axes must be 2.5 black points wide. The AGRO@MBIENTE ON-LINE reserves the right to refuse Tables and / or Figures with the role in "landscape" or which are more than 17 cm wide. Tables and Figures should be inserted immediately after their first citation. Equations: should be typed using the Word equation editor in the Times New Roman font. Equations should receive increasing Arabic numerals. The equations must present the following standard size: Full = 12 pt Subscript / superscript = 8 pt Sub-subscript / superscript = 5 pt Symbol = 18 pt Subsymbol = 14 pt These settings are found in the Word equation editor Statistics: 1.If analysis of variance has been conducted, display a table with summary and significance or clear description consistent with the results presented; ARTICLES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED WITH LESS THAN 10 DEGREES OF FREEDOM and repetition number less than three; 2. Studies with control treatment (control) must be analyzed by specific contrasts or average test; Quantitative 3.Tratamentos should be treated by regression analysis technique; 4. At least four points are required fit regression equations; 5. Present the significance of the regression equation parameters; 6. Regression model coefficients must be submitted in the following form: y = a + bx + cx2 + ... 7.2.10 - Conclusions They must be presented in short sentences, without further comment, with the verb in the present tense, prepared based on the objective of the study . They should present new research findings. 7.2.11 – Thanks prefira “Acknowledgements” Soon after the findings, acknowledgements should be made to people or institutions, in a sober and clear style, indicating the reasons why they are thanked. . 7.2.12 - Cited scientific literature: should be presented in alphabetical order of authors and in accordance with the rules of ABNT NBR 6023, with adaptations contained in the examples of references. They must be current sources (fewer than ten years of publication) and journals. It is required that at least 70% OF REFERENCES are from INDEXED SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS With respect to journals, publishing site information is waived, but the titles should be written in bold and also the abbreviations. A total 20-30 scientific literature citations is recommended for an Original Scientific Article, 30-70 citations for Thematic Review article and 10-20 scientific literature citations for Technical Notes and Case Reports. Reference Examples: Book NOVAIS, R. F.; SMITH, TJ phosphorus in soil and plant in tropical conditions. 1. ed. Lush: DPS / UFV, 1999. 399 p. Book chapter UCHÔA, S. C. P.; Alves, M. J.; CARNATION, M. S .; SILVA, A. J. da; MELO, V. F. M .; FERREIRA, G. B .; FERREIRA, M. M. M. Soil fertility. In: ZILLI, J. E .; VILARINHO, A. A .; ALVES, JMA The culture of cowpea in the Brazilian Amazon. 1. ed. Boa Vista, RR: Embrapa Roraima, 2009. Chapter 4, p.131-183.. Thesis / dissertation BENEDETTI, UG Campus soil detailed study of the Cauamé UFRR, Boa Vista, Roraima. 2007. 102 f. Dissertation (Master of Natural Resources) - Federal University of Roraima, Boa Vista. Magazine article MONTEIRO, M.T.; GAMA-RODRIGUES, EF Carbon, nitrogen and microbial biomass activity in different litter structures of a natural forest. Journal of Soil Science, v.28, p.819-826, 2004. UCHÔA, S. C. P .; ALVES JUNIOR, H. O .; Alves, M. J. A .; MELO, V. F .; FERREIRA, GB Response six varieties of sugarcane potassium doses in Roraima savannah ecosystem. Agronomic Science Magazine, vol. 40, no. 04, p. 505-513, 2009. Congress work summary SOUZA, F. X .; Medeiros SON, S .; Freitas, JBS cajazeira Germinating seeds (Spondias mombin L.) pre-soaking in water and sodium hypochlorite. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SEEDS, 11., 1999, Foz do Iguaçu. Summaries ... Foz do Iguaçu: ABRATES, 1999. p.158. Work published in congress proceedings BRAYNER, A. R. A .; Medeiros, CB Incorporation time in object-oriented DBMS. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DATABASE, 9, São Paulo. Anais ... São Paulo: USP, 1994. p.16-29. Internet Congress work SILVA, R. N .; OLIVEIRA, R. Pedagogical limits the total quality paradigm in education. In: INITIATION OF SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS OF UFPe, 4, 1996 Recife. Annals ... Recife: UFPe, 1996. Available at: Access: 21 January 1997. CD in Congress work Guncho, MR Distance education and the university library. In SEMINAR LIBRARIES COLLEGE, 10, 1998 Fortaleza. Anais ... Fortaleza: Tec Train. 1 CD. 3. Editorial Sections Section 1: Original scientific paper - Paper: intended for publication of original results with more than two logical drives of publication. The original manuscript contain up to 40,000 characters or a maximum of 20 pages , in the following order: title, English title, authors, abstract, keywords, abstract, key words, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments (optional) and scientific literature cited. Section 2: External Thematic Review - Review: due to their social relevance, theoretical or experimental, prominent researchers are invited to contribute thematic review articles at the invitation of the Editorial Board. The thematic review article should be drafted following a chronological sequence or preferably another sequence proposed by the author, with free scientific text size, and must contain: title, English title, authors, abstract, keywords, abstract, key words, conclusions, acknowledgments (optional) and cited scientific literature (See general rule). Section 3: Case Report - Case Report: includes case description in veterinary medicine, in unusual, rare or never before described situations, as well as innovative forms of diagnosis or treatment. The case report should be presented in no more than 10 pages (including tables and figures) and must provide title (Portuguese and English), summary (including keywords), abstract (including key words), introduction, the case report, discussion, conclusions (when relevant) and references. Section 4: Quick Communication - Short Communication: unpublished publications will be admitted with only one logical publication drive of a theoretical, experimental character or a new methodology that is still developing, due to its amazing results in the setting of research in the agricultural sciences, natural resources or in related fields. A Short communication must be presented with a minimum of two paginated pages and a maximum of four. A short communication should mandatorily contain a summary (including keywords), English title and abstract (including key words). Section 5: Technical Note - Technical Note: This section is intended for the contributions of routine development methods, in order to disseminate correct procedures, current and updated. Technical notes should contain up to 20,000 characters and maximum 10 pages and must provide a summary (including keywords), English title and abstract (including key words), introduction, material and methods, results, discussion and cited literature. Section 6: Science Communication - Pop Science: This section accepts articles for publication s that describe best practices in the agricultural sciences, natural resources and related areas, making explanations of scientific concepts or contemporary techniques in simple and accessible language, intended for the lay public. Writing is free for the text written in popular science, but it has a commitment to clarity, objectivity and is written in simple language with no more than 10,000 characters or 5 pages , containing a summary (including keywords), title in English and abstract (including key words). Section 7: Related Issues - Interdisciplinary Subjects: in this section is intended for scientific articles that establish the connection of the Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources with other areas of knowledge, preferably highlighting the political, economic, social, philosophical, ethical aspects, among others. The articles intended for the Related Matters section should contain up to 40,000 characters and a maximum of 20 pages, including a summary (including keywords), English title, abstract (including key words) and cited scientific literature (see General Standard). Checklist of items at Submission As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that their submission is in compliance with all the items listed below. Submission is returned to authors that do not comply with the standards. A. Regarding the study/paper/article 1. Is sthe study original? 2. Does the study represent a scientific contribution to the field of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources? 3. Has the study been sent exclusively to Revista Agro @ NVIRONMENT Online? B. Concerning the formatting 4. Does the study ready to be submitted online omit the names of the authors? 5. Does the study contain 20 pages, A4 format, typed double-spaced, including references; Times New Roman font? 6. Were margins placed at 2.5 cm, was page numbering placed at the top, right and were the lines numbered continuously? 7. Was the paragraph indentation of 1 cm defined in paragraph formatting? Remember, the magazine does not accept paragraph indentation using the "TAB" key or the "space bar". 8. Is the structure of the work in accordance with the standards, i.e. does it follow the order: title in Portuguese, English title, authors, abstract, keywords, abstract, key words, introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments (optional) and scientific literature cited? 9. Does the title contain a maximum of 20 words or 100 characters? 10. Do the resumo and the abstract have a maximum of 300 words? 11. Do the key words contain three to five terms, beginning with a capital letter and followed by a period? 12. Does te introduction contain current quotes that are related to the subject matter discussed in the research and, preferably, in 600 words? 13. Have the quotations presented in the introduction been used to support the discussion of the results? 14. Are the quotations in accordance with the journal's standards? Do the quotations comply with the Journal´s standards? 15. Are the Tables and Figures formatted according to the journal's standards and are they inserted immediately after their first citation? 16. Remember, you can not use "enter" in the cells that make up the (s) table (s) 17. Are the (s) table (s), if any, in the portrait alignment? 18. Do the (s) figure (s) feature superior (resolution with at least 500 dpis)? 19. Are the units and symbols in your article within the international system standards adopted by the magazine Agro @ NVIRONMENT Online? 20. Are the numbers are separated by semicolons? Are the units are separated from the number by a space? Remember, there is no space between the number and the symbol%. 21. Your study has between 20 and 30 scientific literature citations, have 50% been published in the last 10 years in indexed journals? 22. Are all references cited in the text? 23. Are all references cited throughout the text correctly described in the journal's standards and appear listed? C. Notes: 24. If the journal's guidelines are not followed strictly, your work will be CANCELLED. So it is best to delay sending for a few days and check out all the rules. 25. If your answers are all AFFIRMATIVE your article will be sent more safely. If you still have NEGATIVE answers, your article will return delaying the processing process. 26. Look ALWAYS monitor the situation of your article on the magazine page ( in the online article management system. 27. This checklist does not replace the magazine's technical review, to which all submitted articles will be submitted. The identification of the study authorship was removed from the file and the Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the magazine's confidentiality criteria, if submitted for peer review (ex .: articles), according to instructions available in Ensuring a Blind Peer Review . E. The tables and figures follow the standards set out in ourr guidelines, in About the Journal. F. The authors carefully observed the questionnaire found at the end of the rules for publication available in Privacy policy The articles published by AGRO@MBIENTE ON-LINE are of public access in all of their contents, having been based on the principle of free dissemination of research results, and thus generate greater exchange of knowledge. This policy leads to disclosure, expansion of reading and citation of a scientific author. The names, postal addresses and email addresses will be used strictly to serve the purposes of the AGRO@MBIENTE ON-LINE, and are not available for other purposes. AGRO@MBIENTE ON-LINE ISSN 1982-8470 (online)

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.