About the Journal

The Agro@mbiente On-line Magazine (ISSN 1982-8470-0nline), bilingual (English and Portuguese) of the Postgraduate Program in Agronomy, is published continuously, and its target audience is: professors, researchers, undergraduate students and graduate. The articles are available in full from the first issue.

Articles published in Revista Agro@mbiente On-line are indexed in the following databases: CAB internacional; AGRIS (FAO); LATINDEX (Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals in Latin America);Suarios.org.; CAPES journals; EMBRAPA EBSCO Publishing, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). Index h5 11 and median h5 14.

Current Issue

Vol. 18 (2024)
Published: 14/01/2024

Original Scientific Article

Technical Note

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