Nutritional composition and antioxidant compounds of coconut candy with added açaí pulp




Functional food. Bioactive compounds. Native Amazonian fruit.


The açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) is an Amazonian fruit that is widely consumed in Brazil and around the world, particularly due to its large number of bioactive compounds. In order to verify the bioactive characteristics of açaí in popular consumer products, the aim of this study was to test the increasing function of açaí pulp (bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity) in the production of coconut candy. The treatments consisted of four formulations of coconut candy (C): with no açaí pulp (CA0), with 10% açaí pulp (CA10), with 20% açaí pulp (CA20) and with 30% açaí pulp (CA30), in addition to the sugar, grated coconut, gum agar, citric acid and water that are part of the standard formulation of each treatment. The experimental design was completely randomised with three replications. The following analyses were carried out: total sugars, lipids, proteins, moisture, calorific value, phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, and antioxidant activity using the DPPH method. The increasing concentrations of açaí in the formulations significantly increased the total sugar and lipid concentrations, moisture, and calorific value. The anthocyanin concentration increased linearly with the increase in pulp concentration. The coconut candy from formulation CA20 showed the greatest antioxidant activity between the proposed formulations. The formulations had no effect on the levels of phenolic compounds. The anthocyanin content differed statistically between formulations, with the highest values seen in formulation CA30. Formulations CA20 and CA30 are sources of bioactive components.





Original Scientific Article