About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Agro@mbiente On-line Journal (ISSN 1982-8470 Online) has continuous publication. Its mission is to publish Papers, Review, Short Communications, Technical Notes, Pop Science, Interdisciplinary Subjects and Over Views that are. original and have not been submitted to another journal, involving unreleased and new interest to the Rural, Agricultural, Environmental and natural Resource Sciences research technologies.

Open to higher education professionals, teachers, researchers and students in the related areas of Rural Sciences, Agricultural, Environmental, Natural Resource, Food Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery Resources.

Peer Review Process

The papers approved by the Editorial Board of the Agro@ambiente On-line will be sent to two area Reviewers. The paper will only be published occur if the study is approved by the Reviewers and Editorial Team. Articles will be published based on originality, quality and scientific merit, and the editorial board makes the final decision .The authors´ and reviewers´ identity will be kept secret throughout the process.
The magazine's management will take care that the reviewers of each article are compulsorily from different institutions than that of the origin of the authors. Reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest, be it personal, professional or political environment that could interfere in their opinion on the manuscript, and if any, the reviewer should decline to perform the review.
Articles submitted outside the journal's guidelines will be returned to the authors for correction. The article will not be forwarded for review while not strictly in line with the writing standards of the Agro@mbiente On-line. After verifying that the article is totally in accordance with the rules of Agro@mbiente On-line, it is forwarded to the area Editor, who will make a preliminary assessment as to the scientific and technical content and then forward it to peers or the Editorial Board for final decision.

Publication Frequency

Agro@mbiente Online Journal launched its first issue in December 2007, being semiannual, with Prof. Guido Nunes as managing editor.
In 2009 Professor Vanderley Bett took over the management of the magazine.
In 2011, Professora Dra. Sandra Catia Pereira Uchôa, taking over the management of the magazine, as Manager and Prof. José María Arancanjo Alves, as Assistant Manager, due to the high demand, it began to have a quarterly periodicity.
In 2015 it began to publish its numbers quarterly.
In 2018, Professora Dra. Kedma Matos taking over as Assistant Manager.
In 2019, following the current trend, the Manager Team understands the urgency of the news and the Journal publishes it on a continuous basis. Therefore, there will be no deadline for the publication of the article, as soon as it is ready, it will be published!

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that scientific knowledge freely available to the public supports a greater global democratization of knowledge.

Revista Agro@mbiente On-Line

The Agro@mbiente On-line Journal (ISSN 1982-8470-0nline), bilingual (English and Portuguese) of the Graduate Program in Agronomy will be published continuously from 2019. The target audience is formed by professors , researchers, undergraduate and graduate students. The articles published in Revista Agro @ mbiente On-line are available in full from the first issue.

The articles published in Agro@mbiente Online Journal are available in full from the first number.

Articles published in the Agro@mbiente On-line are indexed in the databases: CAB International; LATINDEX (Regional Information System in line for Scientific Journals of Latin America), EBSCO Publishing, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); Summaries; Periodicals of CAPES; EMBRAPA databases.