Herbicide selectivity and weed control in cowpea
Vigna unguiculata. Weeds. Chemical control. Phytotoxicity.Resumo
Weeds negatively affect cowpea plants, causing reduced growth, delayed development and yield loss. The aim of this study was to assay selectivity and effectiveness of weed control herbicides in cowpea cropping field conditions. For selectivity evaluation, the herbicide S-metolachlor, was used pre-emergence (PRE), and carfentrazone-ethyl, clethodim, fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, fluazifop-p-butyl and quizalofop-p-ethyl post-emergence (POST). In effectiveness evaluation, S-metolachlor (PRE), and carfentrazone-ethyl (POST), S-metolachlor in PRE and fluazifop-p-butyl (POST), clethodim, carfentrazone-ethyl and clethodim, fenoxapropp-ethyl, carfentrazone-ethyl and fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, fluazifop-p-butyl, carfentrazone-ethyl and fluazifop-pbutyl, quizalofop-p-ethyl and carfentrazone-ethyl and quizalofop-p-ethyl (POST). Two controls were included, one with weeding at 15 and 35 days after sowing (DAS) and the other without weed control. Carfentrazone-ethyl caused mild phytotoxicity in plants seven days after application, but did not reduce yield (2337 kg ha-1). The levels of weed control and productivity obtained with S-metolachlor alone or in association with carfentrazoneethyl or fluazifop-p-butyl, associated or not with carfentrazone-ethyl, were similar to those obtained with weeds. Spraying with carfentrazone-ethyl alone resulted in low control effectiveness and reduced yield (1511 kg ha-1). Weed interference during the crop cycle reduced yield by 77% (531 kg ha-1). The selectivity and effectiveness obtained with the herbicides should be considered as an agronomic and economically-viable.Downloads
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