Discussing the strategic role of information in contemporary management


  • Elson Baladeli Faculdade Alfa Brasil - UNIALFA




information, management, organization.


The paper discusses the change of organizational model focus on knowledge management in which the information became the representing of the requirements of competitiveness in a global market. Before the emergence of the information age communications appear as flexible, dynamic, fast, direct and real-time, but the information remains one of the strategic capital of organizations (DRUCKER, 1986; KLEIN, 1998; DAVENPORT, 1998; SOMOGYI and GALLIERS, 2003; O'BRIEN and MARAKAS, 2013). This setting, information and capital rises as well valuable material for decision making in the corporate world globalized Drucker (1999) and Chiavenato (2004). Thus, the purpose of this article is to address the strategic management of information in the organization and point out how an integrated management of information can encourage business and building knowledge in the organization.

Author Biography

Elson Baladeli, Faculdade Alfa Brasil - UNIALFA

Bacharel em Administração - Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná -UNIOESTE Pós-Graduando em Redes de Alta Velocidade - UNIALFA Técnico em Redes Pleno Cia de Informática do Paraná - CELEPAR.





Administração de Empresas (Business Administration)