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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution has to be original and not be published by another publisher. Also, the text should not be submitted simultaneously for another review process in another journal; if this requirement is not fulfilled, please justify in the section “Comments to the Editor”
  • The arquives submitted should be in Format .doc (Microsoft Office Word 97-2003 compatible). The file size does not exceed 3MB
  • All electronic addresses of the Internet (URLs), including those of the text (Ex.: should be activated and ready for access
  • The text should be spaced 1.5, formated in 12pt font. Please, use italics instead of underlines (with the exception of URL addresses). All figures, graphics and tables should be positioned directly into the text sequence, and not at the end
  • The text has to comply with the rules published at in style and bibliographical references Guidelines for for Authors, in the section About the Journal
  • The author’s identification should be removed from the text and also from the Word Properties, to guarantee that the anonymous referee process can be fully accomplished, following the instructions in Assuring the Avaliation by Double Blind).
  • The article meets adequately the rules of spelling and grammar of the language in which it was submitted
  • The "institution" in the data of each author was completed during the submission process. It contains the main institution to which the author is bound (only one), in full, with two organizational units. For example, department and college or college and university.
  • The "Summary of Biography" in the data of each author was completed during the submission process. It indicates the author titration (academic title of greater value than the author has, eg .: majoring in administration; master's degree or doctorate in administration, bachelor or specialist in administration, master or doctorate in administration, associate professor) and the Institution who gave it. The institution should be described with two organizational units. For example, department and college or college and university.
  • After article approval, all authors cadastrarão RARR in informing the mailing address and email. The authors allow that information beyond their titles and affiliation (filled in submission) are published in the article's title page, as standard Magazine. Also authorize the summaries of their biographies (as filled in submission) are available for consultation by readers while accessing the article in the RARR page.

Author Guidelines

The manuscript submitted to for publication should present the technical characteristics indicated below. Should be formatted: Sheet - A4; Doc or docx; Source - Times New Roman, size 12; Paragraph - before and after "0" points, lines between "1.5", justified; Margins - left and top 3 cm; right, bottom 2 cm. Should not include the name (s) of author (s), both in the text and in the file properties. Item must be at least 10 and at most 25 pages, including: Title, abstract, keywords, abstract, key-words, introduction, methodology, analysis and discussion of results, conclusions and references; Aiming at the international broadcast, abstract and keywords should be presented in two languages: Portuguese and English or Spanish. Any notes should be numbered sequentially and presented before the references. References should be cited in the article body with the indication of the surname (s) of author (s), year of publication and page. They should be presented in alphabetical order at the end of the text according to the APA standard. The work must be submitted by the website under "Online Submissions". It is suggested as a first step for the submission of an article the authors read the section "The Author" of the document Best Practices Scientific Publication ANPAD - National Association of Graduate Studies in Management. The RARR accepts academic contributions in the form of scientific articles in English, Portuguese or Spanish (by the authors) that are of interest to the administration area of ​​knowledge and the performance of the business administrator, as its editorial policy Figures, tables or charts must be submitted on the same article of the text body, near the site where they are mentioned. It is not allowed that a paper is submitted simultaneously to two or more sections of RARR. Each author may publish no more than one work in the same year, regardless of its position in the authorship of the article. The maximum number of authors per article is 5. It is not allowed changes of the authors during the editorial process. Files and content of text and figures, tables and charts should not contain identifying the author or co-author. If you can identify the author or co-author the article will be rejected. Special editing features as outlined, hyphenation, macros, retreats etc. should be avoided. Italics should be reserved for words in foreign language. Highlight of words and symbols should be done in bold. The titles and subtitles should be written in bold and should not be long, occupying a maximum of two lines and up to 12 words. The presentation of the manuscript should follow the following format: • Cover Page unidentified: Title in Portuguese followed by the abstract in Portuguese. The abstract should be justified and in a single block, containing 250 words. The abstract should be written in a concise and clear manner. It should contain: 1. The purpose of the research; 2. The theoretical basis adopted; 3. The methodology and the adopted approach (where appropriate); 4. The theoretical and empirical scope; 5. The main findings in the data analysis (where appropriate); 6. The practical implications, ie what changes should be made in the practice of management as a result of research (if any); 7. The social implications of the research, its impacts on society enas public policies (if any); 8. The originality and value of work, including the theoretical and methodological contribution; 9. The limitations identified in the research process (if any). After the summary shall be inserted five key words in Portuguese. • Title in English and Abstract: The "abstract" is the very abstract in English. Apply the same guidelines given to the summary. After the abstract should be inserted five key words in English (Keywords) compatible with the key words of the abstract in Portuguese. • Title in Spanish and Abstract: The "abstract" is the very abstract in Spanish. Apply the same guidelines given to the summary. After the abstract should be inserted five key words in Spanish (Palabras Clave) compatible with the key words of the abstract in Portuguese. • Body text: The body text should appear on a new page. Do not start a new page every subtitle. Note that the conventional parts of a theoretical and empirical scientific paper should include: Introduction, theoretical framework, methodological procedures, results and analysis, conclusion, references and optionally appendices. The theoretical framework should necessarily cover the national and international scientific production relevant the last 5 years. Appendices should be used sparingly. • Quote: Whenever a source is used, you must quote the surname (s) (s) of author (s) and the year of publication. In the case of direct quotes the reference page should be mentioned. All cited sources should be mentioned in the references. • Figures, tables and charts: The titles and subtitles (when necessary) should be in the text itself next to the figures, tables and charts (main file). They should also be placed in the supplemental files. • Standards for presentation of the work: the use of the APA standards for presentation of scientific papers is mandatory. To submit the article, the first author must necessarily register in RARR. In the registration process the author must choose the category author besides the reader category. The Brief Biography author and co-authors must be informed by the first author in the article submission. Abstracts should be about 50 words and contain title, affiliation, position and research interests. The titration corresponds to two things: the academic title of author higher value (ex .: bachelor, master, doctor, teacher free) and the institution that issued it. Membership is main institution (only one) that the author is currently bound. In both cases, the institutions must appear in full and must necessarily contain two organizational units. For example, college and university or department and college. Students should indicate the titration level that course (ex., Graduating, Master, Doctorate) and affiliation with the institution to which they are linked. Titration and the affiliation of the authors (as completed in the submission) will be published in Article cover sheet, if approved. Not be allowed to change these fields after the approval of artigo.Os complete summaries of the biographies of the authors (as completed in the submission) will be available for consultation by readers access to article in the RARR page. The contents of the signed articles are solely the responsibility of the authors. By submitting the article, the author (s) (s) ensure that it does not contain any violation of any copyright or other right of any third party or obscene material nature, defamatory or otherwise unlawful. Be cited in articles without permission, provided the source is acknowledged. After submission, the article will be evaluated according to the peer review process. The magazine reserves the right to ask the authors possible changes in the texts approved for publication. The first author will monitor the editorial process, receive change requests and submit revised versions of the article via e-publishing system RARR, from your login and password, the user author category. Texts sent must be unpublished nationally and internationally. However, articles that have been presented at conferences, seminars and the like may be sent, since there is no restriction by the organizers of these events. After article approval, all authors must register at RARR informing the mailing address and email to be published on the cover page of the article. Submitted articles should not be in simultaneous evaluation process or have been published elsewhere. If this condition is verified, the item will be rejected and the authors will be suspended the possibility of articles to submission RARR for three years. In addition, the editor of which was identified in the simultaneous evaluation process will be notified of the incident. IMPORTANT: The content of signed texts is the exclusive responsibility of the authors.


Essa seção recebe textos originais que ainda não tenham sido publicados em outros periódicos, de 40.000 até 80.000 caracteres (com espaço). This section receives original texts that have not been published elsewhere, from 40,000 to 80,000 characters (including spaces).

Administração de Pessoal e Recursos Humanos (Personnel Management and Human Resources)

A seção Administração de pessoal e recursos humanos tem por objetivo receber contribuições que visam discutir os aspectos relacionados a administração de aspectos internos as organizações que vinculem-se diretamente a as pessoas, incluindo as relações organização-pessoas e pessoas-pessoas, desta forma incluem-se contribuições voltadas para a gestão de recursos humanos contudo não restringe-se exclusivamente a elas. São aceitos trabalhos qualitativos, quantitativos e mistos. Entre os temas aceitos para essa seção incluem-se:

-Comportamento organizacional;
-Gestão de pessoas;
-Estratégias de recursos humanos;
-Formação do administrador;
-Processo de mudança.
Aceita-se textos aplicados a empresas privadas, administração pública, entidades do terceiro setor e fundos de pensão.

Administração Financeira (Financial Administration)

A seção Administração financeira recebe contribuições voltadas para o estudo puro ou aplicado do tema, recebe textos voltados também para a análise de agentes econômicos privilegia-se estudos com abordagem multidisciplinar e tema contemporâneo. São aceitos manuscritos baseados em metodologias qualitativas e quantitativas, entre outros, os temas aceitos são:

-Avaliação de empresas;
-Análise econômica financeira;
-Formação de preços;
-Analise de investimentos;
-Análise de custos;
-Eficiência de mercado;
- Fundos de investimentos;
-Mercado de capitais.

São aceitos textos aplicados a empresas privadas, administração pública, entidades do terceiro setor e fundos de pensão.

Administração de Empresas (Business Administration)

A seção Administração de empresas recebe artigos voltados para o desenvolvimento de organizações e setores visando a ampliação da capacidade competitiva organizacional, são priorizados abordagens multidisciplinares que relacionem administração com outras áreas temáticas, os temas propostos para essa seção, entre outros são:

-Gestão de processos;
-Gestão da Qualidade;
-Responsabilidade Social Organizacional.

Aplicadas a empresas privadas, administração pública e entidades do terceiro setor.

Mercadologia (Marketing)

A seção Mercadologia tem por objetivo receber manuscritos voltados para a discussão de abordagens ligadas a grande área da mercadologia, são aceitos trabalhos qualitativos, quantitativos e mistos nos seguintes temas prioritários:

-Análises de Mercado;
-Comportamento do consumidor;
-Perfis de mercado;
-Segmentação de mercado;
-Administração de serviços;
-Plano de marketing;
-Plano de negócios;
-Plano de comunicação;

Aplicadas a empresas privadas, administração pública, entidades do terceiro setor e fundos de pensão.

Resenha (Review)

A RARR se propõe a publicar resenhas de: - Livros Acadêmicos e Científicos Nacionais publicados no ano vigente da sua última edição disponibilizada; - Livros Acadêmicos e Científicos Internacionais, inéditos no Brasil e publicado nos últimos 5 anos - e disponível para compras em sites internacionais. Além da formatação seguindo as normas da revista, são exigências da seção: - a resenha, por ser um texto autoral em si, só poderá ter um autor; - este autor deverá ter experiência acadêmica ou científica na área do livro (a ser verificada pelo editor em seu Lattes - indispensável no caso no processo de inscrição de usuário. Após obedecido estes critérios a resenha segue um processo de duplo Blind Review, onde devido a urgência das resenhas será aprovado ou não pelos revisores (sem cometários)


Essa seção recebe textos originais que ainda não tenham sido publicados em outros periódicos, de 40.000 até 80.000 caracteres (com espaço). This section receives the original texts that have not been published elsewhere, from 40,000 to 80,000 characters (including spaces).

Caso para ensino/Case Studies

This section receives the original texts that have not been published elsewhere, from 40,000 to 80,000 characters (including spaces).


Comunicação de trabalhos  acadêmicos

Resumo Expandido

Resumo expandido

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.