About the Journal

Focus and Scope


The Journal of Management of Roraima has the mission of promoting the advancement of administration theory and practice, with contributions from publishing original scientific articles aimed at private, public and third party organizations. sector, promoting relevant reflections on the national and international scene.

The RARR focuses on the publication of scientific contributions in the area of administration, chosen as preferred theme contributions in the areas of people management, finance, strategy and marketing. In addition to the regular issues, the RARR publishes special volumes with specific focus, the result of research projects or relevant issues in specific areas that meet the lines proposed in its sections.


The RARR publishes theoretical and theoretical-empirical papers, accepts both empirical contributions as methodological; Eventually, dealing articles on other topics may be evaluated for publication if it is considered of interest to the public of the Journal. As a way to spread the contributions published by RARR and to facilitate their access to the national and international community of readers and authors, RARR publish the titles and abstracts of all articles in Portuguese, Spanish or English and may the complete text be submitted in any of these languages, Furthermore the magazine is recorded on a broad range of indices that have national and international relevance.
The unpublished texts, in RARR publishes articles that address on scientific research, which are the responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily express the views of the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board has of course RARR is a scientific journal following the document "good practices of scientific publication" ANPAD, thus its preliminary assessment shall consider if:

The text follows the standards of style and bibliographic requirements of a scientific paper;

-The article should make it clear to its methodology, based on bibliographic refers;

-To ensure the State of the art, authors must, in its theoretical reference, cite a minimum number, but enough of recent references (of up to 10 years) extracted from national and international scientific journals, assigned the Qualis CAPES or with impact index (JCR or ISI) – independent of the area-or articles of events E1 and E2 of the Qualis CAPES of the administration area (the last 3 years);

-References as system of APA (American Psicology Association).


Professionals and students of Brazilian and international academia, focusing on management, and managers of private, public and third sector with an interest in dialogue and development management

Peer Review Process

The Editorial Team of the Journal of Management of Roraima is comprised of two Boards (Editorial and Scientific), made up of notorious experts know from institutions in Brazil and abroad, whose role is to ensure the quality of the publication by issuing evaluations on articles submitted for publication in the journal. All submitted work is evaluated by two reviewers (members of the Scientific Board), who are unaware of the authors’ identities. In the event of any divergence in evaluations, the editor forwards the material to a third reviewer. The evaluations are analyzed and their recommendations are followed by the Editor, and, when necessary, they are discussed by the Editorial Board.

The articles are always evaluated by reviewers who specialize in the same subject area as the text submitted to Journal of Management of Roraima. If the Scientific Board does not have two members who specialize in the corresponding subject area, the Editor (together with the Editorial Board) will invite two external reviewers to evaluate the text on an ad hoc basis.
On average, the review process takes between four and six months.

Papers submitted to the Editorial Board should characterize originality, not being allowed to enter in another journal.
The evaluation process will take place for at least two evaluators . In addition, work should appreciate by expressing scientific quality criteria such as:
• Scientific character and originality of the research;

• contribution and importance of the issue for the studied area;

• Consistency and adequacy of argumentation and the proposed objectives;

• Detailed Methodology;

• Textual organization;

• The relevance and / or timeliness of used literature;

• Social contribution of the research.

Publication Frequency

Thematic scientific journal, electronic format. RARR a semiannual publication.

The formats adopted for reception of texts should be in accordance with the rules of submission (see in "on").

The publication of articles happens on the website of the RARR Journal, exclusively in PDF format.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides more global democratization of knowledge.

Ad Hoc Reviewers 2014


Alexandre Francisco Godoi - Centro Universitário Salesianos de São Paulo/SP- Brasil
Armando Fé Junior - UFRR
Carlos Joaquim - UFRR- Brasil
Eduardo Codevilla Soares - UFRR- Brasil
Edgar Reyes Junior - UNB- Brasil
Elói Senhoras - UFRR- Brasil
Emerson Clayton Arantes - UFRR- Brasil
Fernando Monteiro D´andrea - Instituto Esperança de Ensino Superior- Brasil
James Magalhães Sato - Exército Brasileiro- Brasil
Jaqueline Rosa - UFRR- Brasil
Luciano Ferreira da Silva - UNINOVE/SP- Brasil
Max Araújo Ferreira - UFRR- Brasil
Roger augusto Luna - UNIFOR/CE- Brasil
Romina Souza - UFRGS- Brasil
Vinícius Costa de Silva Zonatto - FURB/SC- Brasil

Fator de Impacto da RARR

Journal already have the impact factor of the years 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 of some crawlers organisms, which are presented below.

Indexadores 2012201320142015
InnoSpace SJIF Scientific Journal Impact3.1964.578
Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (ICDS)3.4773.602
International Scientific Indexing (ISI)0.702
Universal Impact Factor (UIF)0.4545


In accordance with the guidelines of CAPES (2011), the journal adopts software tools for detecting and combating plagiarism. The software uses search engine data and information on various homepages to accuse the plagiamento Articles that are submitted to the system.

Code of Publication ethics and malpractice statement

The ethics of publishing and publication malpractice statement
(compound using the kit Publishing and ethical resources in accordance with Elsevier recomendações)
This code are the ethical guidelines for publication in the magazine (These guidelines are based on Elsevier policies andCOPE e Best pratice puclication: um manual - Anpad existentes). The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is fundamental in developing a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a reflection of quality of work of the authors and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and strengthen the scientific method. It is therefore critical that ethical code of ethical behavior standards expected for all parties involved in the publication act: the author, the editor of the auditors, the editor and society.

RARR "Publication Integrity and Ethics" has made application for membership.


A RARR encontra-se indexada nas seguintes bases e diretórios:

Membro da Associação Brasileira de Editores Científicos - ABEC

DiadorimLogo IBICT
Logo BASELogotipo WorldCatSISuni hamburg
socolarLogo CAPESLogo RBIBLE
Logo CNEN Logo GaudeamusLogo PKPLogo RRIAN Google Académico
MIAR 2013LiVre Logo OAJI

Contadores Estatísticos :

Journal History

RARR (ISSN 2237-8057 online) is published by the Federal University of Roraima since 2011.