Açaí production in the municipality of São Miguel do Guamá, Pará: perspective of açaí beaters
Family farming. SWOT analysis. Non-timber forest products.Resumo
The pulp of the açaí fruit is a staple food for a large part of the population of Pará. Nonetheless, despite the significance of açaí product for the regional economy, there is a gap in the literature on the market potential for processing this fruit. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify the challenges and opportunities of açaí beaters in the development of the activity in the municipality of São Miguel do Guamá, state of Pará, Brazil. This investigation is characterized as applied research, composed of qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data collection was based on interviews with açaí beaters and with linked production chains: middlemen, waste loaders, financial support institutions, and support institutions. The results were submitted to SWOT analysis to determine the risk factors of the internal-external matrix. As an internal risk factor, it was observed the difficulty to maintain income during the harvest period, given the decrease in the availability of raw materials and the drop in the price of the product. Externally, the risk is due to the lack of strengthening of collective organizations. It was also observed that there is a great distance between the açaí beaters and the public actors of the support institutions. The SWOT analysis was effective in identifying the activity that faces severe threats and weaknesses, internally and externally, which serves as a warning to the municipality, institutions, and actors regarding the greater attention needed to its production chain, which is evidenced by the lack of investments in this activity.Downloads
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