Graphical analysis to determine the stability and adaptability of yield characteristics of dwarf cashew trees
Anacardium occidentale L.. Genotype × environment interaction. Plant breeding.Resumo
The cashew culture provides jobs and boosts the economy of the Northeast region and is therefore of great socioeconomic importance. In genetic improvement programs, the existence of an interaction between genotypes and environments has been observed, making studies of adaptability and stability essential for effective selection. Thus, the objective was to study the performance of early dwarf cashew clones using the GGE Biplot in three agricultural years (2016–2018). The experimental design was in randomized blocks with 25 treatments (clones) and three replications. The plot consisted of four plants spaced 8 × 8 m apart. The variables evaluated were nut yield throughout the harvest (PRC), average nut weight (PMC), and percentage of nuts pierced (PCF). The clones most characterized as ideotypes were T25, T14, T7, T8, T2, T10, T15, and T22 for PRC; T12, T1, and T16 for PMC; and T5, T24, T21, and T8 for PCF, with coincidence for T8 in PC and PCF. Clones with values above the general average, with emphasis on stability, were T14 and T2 for PRC; T12, T1, T16, T8, and T22 for PMC; and T5 and T22 for PCF. The years with test characteristics, that is, those with average environmental factors for all years, were 2016 for PRC and 2018 for PCF, with no test year for PMC; the every years were more discriminating to PCF, with the exception of 2016 for PRC.Downloads
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