Introduction of special rice genotypes under upland conditions
Oryza sativa L. Productivity. Rainfed.Resumo
Although widely consumed as white rice, there are special rice cultivars that contain aromas, colors and nutrients that reach special market niches, and constitute alternatives to vary the Brazilian menu and the farmer’s income. Most genotypes of special rice have nutritional characteristics superior to those of white rice, with call for better health, which is a growing concern of the general population. Based Based on these assumptions, the objective was to evaluate the productivity of special rice genotypes in rainfed cultivation conditions, in two seasons (2016/2017 and 2017/2018), in the city of Lavras/MG The treatments consisted of the following accessions: YIN LU 31, Japanese, CMG 1164, Formoso, Aromatic, IAC 400, IAC 300, IAC 600, IAC 500, BRSMG Relâmpago, BRSMG Caçula, BRSMG Caravera, SCS119 Ruby, SCS120 Onyx. After analysis of variance, the adaptability analysis and stability was performed by the Annichiaric method. The Aromatic and IAC 300 genotypes, by evaluated under rainfed conditions, showed high productivity (greater than 3,000 kg.ha-1), higher than the state average (867 kg ha-1), and low incidence of diseases in the conditions of high lands. These special rice genotypes grown in upland and compared to cultivars of rice indicated for this cultivation condition demonstrated that it is possible to produce rice from quality and develop genotypes more adaptable to rainfed conditions, which can be excellent option of cultivation to conventional rice and thus increase the diversity of the agricultural property.Downloads
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