Mapping bee flora in honey producing areas of the Alto Médio Canindé microregion in Piauí state, Brazil
Beekeeping. Caatinga. Floral resources.Resumo
The Brazilian state of Piauí is one of the largest producers of organic honey in the country. Although the product is made from nectar collected from natural vegetation, including several species endemic to the Caatinga, knowledge of the beekeeping potential of semiarid vegetation remains scarce, particularly in Piauí. As such, the present study aimed to map the flora of honey-producing areas of the Alto Médio microregion in Piauí. A survey was conducted of apiaries in the region and bee production in four beekeeping communities, using data provided by the Simplício Mendes Microregion Beekeeping Cooperative (COMAPI). Geographic coordinates were used to generate a map to analyze vegetation in the region and excursions were carried out in previously defined areas to survey plants visited by honeybees. The beekeeping communities in areas with greater floral density had the highest honey production. Forty plant species were collected, with the most representative family being Fabaceae, followed by Euphorbiaceae and Anacardiaceae. Most of the plants surveyed were visited by bees with the sole purpose of collecting nectar and were flowering in months with the highest honey production. Thus, creating a flowering calendar could help beekeepers make better use of the local flora.Downloads
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