Internal water supply in Africanized beehives during the dry season in the Brazilian semiarid
Beekeeping. Apis mellifera L. Caatinga. Beehive management.Resumo
In light of the unfavorable climatic conditions for keeping Africanized bees in apiaries in the Brazilian semiarid, especially during the dry season, this study aimed to assess how the internal water supply in beehives influences the development of Africanized bee during this period in the semiarid region of Piaui state (PI), Brazil. The experiment was conducted in September and October 2016, in the Experimental Apiary of the Study Group on Bees of the Piaui Semiarid, located in Picos (PI). The hives were standardized in terms of population size and amount of food. To that end, a data sheet was filled out and the brood area measured (cm²) at the beginning and end of the experiment. Graduated 500 mL Boardman entrance feeders filled with potable water were installed to measure daily water consumption during the experiment. There was a significant variation in water use by the bees, with average daily consumption of 74.6 mL ± 25.5. With respect to colony development, there was an increase in the number of frames and brood area. Internal water supply can be recommended as a suitable management technique for bee colonies during the dry season in the semiarid.Downloads
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