Plant health and arborization of two squares in the municipality of Belterra, Pará, Brazil
Urban afforestation. Phytosanitary diagnosis. Phytogeography.Resumo
A quality arborization in cities and, mainly, in public places destined for entertainment, such as squares, is indispensable for the well-being of the population, besides, to contribute to the aesthetic enhance of the environment. Thus, this work aimed to analyze the phytosanitary nature of tree vegetation in two squares, Brazil square and square of Estrada 8, located in the municipality of Belterra, in the west part of the state of Pará. The number of individuals found at Brazil square was 56, while at square of Estrada 8, it was 21. According to the results, 61% of crowns of the first square, and around 70% in the second one, were in good health. The tree stems in the two squares did not show any apparent problem, the values of sanity for them were 67%, and 60%, respectively. Concerning the root situation, about 83% of the individuals analyzed at Brazil square had no problems, only one individual from Ipê pointed to rot in their roots. However, at the square of Estrada 8, about 79% had no damaged roots. In Brazil square, 67% of the species are regularly pruned, although, the ficus trees showed a need for removal, indicating 4% of the individuals with severe phytosanitary problems with termite attack. At square of Estrada 8, it is necessary to remove 38% of individuals, followed by 35% of pruning, replacement by 6% and only 21% of arboreal individuals are in an adequate situation for urban squares.Downloads
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