Photosynthetic characteristics in fig tree accessions for diversification of production
Net CO2 assimilation. Ficus carica L. Gas exchange.Resumo
Photosynthesis allows plants, through metabolic reactions, to obtain products for their growth and development. Knowledge of and estimating the physiological variables involved in the photosynthetic process can be an advantage in choosing accessions for setting up an orchard. The aim of this study therefore was to evaluate some of the physiological characteristics involved in the photosynthetic process of six commercial accessions of the fig tree. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomised design, comprising six treatments and six replications, giving a total of 36 experimental units. The treatments consisted of the following fig accessions: ‘Roxo de Valinhos’, ‘Palestino’, ‘Figo Vermelho’, ‘PI 189’, ‘Cuello Negro’ and ‘Turco’. The net rate of CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and internal leaf temperature varied statistically between accessions. Some accessions demonstrated the same performance as ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ for the photosynthetic variables. As such, the dependence of the domestic market on one single cultivar should be reviewed; however, further studies on other physiological and production characteristics should be carried out in order to validate each recommendation.Downloads
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