Evaluation and potential use of native forest species in the recovery of a legal reserve in the Western Amazon
Nature conservation. Food security. Agroforestry systems.Resumo
The Brazilian Amazon, which has been heavily devastated by exploratory processes and human occupation, has great value in terms of forest resources. As such, the aim of this study was to evaluate the potential use of native forest species to constitute productive agroforestry systems that can be set up in areas of legal reserve. A floristic/phytosociological survey was carried out of tree individuals with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥10 cm in 12 plots of 50 x 100 m (0.5 ha). From the data, species with a density of greater than three trees ha-1 were selected, and evaluated for use and ecological group. A total of 180 species distributed in 40 botanical families were identified, of which only 23 species presented an absolute density (AD) ≥3 trees ha-1, indicating that the occurrence of most species in the area is rare. Species such as Copaifera multijuga, Dinizia excelsa, Peltogyne paniculata, Tachigali chrysophylla, Dipteryx odorata, Bertholletia excelsa and Hevea brasiliensis are used commercially and may be indicated for production systems. As a result, native Amazonian forest species have great potential for use in recovery programs, promoting the recovery of local biodiversity and the development of small rural properties. However, it is necessary to invest in research and the development of public policy to support such initiatives.Downloads
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