Feed frequency and sensory evaluation of yams
Consumption. Dioscorea sp. Feeding habit. Tuber.Resumo
Several studies have highlighted the variations in consumption habits, compared to the perspectives on food, social class and lifestyles of society. Among the different food groups, underground vegetables are of great importance in human nutrition as one of the main energy sources available for food. Among them, the yam stands out for its high nutritional and energetic power. In this way, the aim was to define the frequency, consumption profile and yam preference, ‘Chinese’ and ‘São Tome’ varieties. For this, a questionnaire of socioeconomic nature, feeding frequency and sensorial evaluation was applied to 52 students of a public university. At the end of the study, it was found that 71% of the students knew the yam, but only 50% had ever consumed the vegetable. It was observed that 85% of the interviewees never or hardly ever consume the tuber, 29% do not know the vegetable and 50% never consumed. Regarding consumption reasons, 25% of the respondents chose the taste as the main reason to consume yam and only 3% consume by the appearance of the product. The interviewees had food frequency in relation to the yam, linked to the palatability of the vegetable (25%) and of the two varieties analyzed, 69% of the interviewees prefer to consume the ‘São Tome’ yam. Given the importance of food in this vegetable, it is important to stimulate consumption, especially among younger individuals, with ages ranging from 20 to 25 years.Downloads
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