Phytotoxicity of exotic plants on the physiological potential of seeds of native species of caatinga
Germination. Biological invasion. Allelopathic potential.Resumo
The introduction of species is one of the major causes of biodiversity loss. Invasive exotic plants adapt, propagate and dominate, damaging both natural processes and native species. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the allelopathic effect of three exotic species in the caatinga, on the physiological quality of native forest seeds. Aqueous extracts of leaves of Azadirachta indica, Prosopis juliflora and Cryptostegia madagascariensis were tested to evaluate their effect on the seed germination and seedling vigor of Piptadenia moniliformis, Mimosa tenuiflora and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia. Seed germination of M. tenuiflora was inhibited by the aqueous extracts of P. juliflora and A. indica in 100% and 42%, respectively, with a reduced GVI with the extracts of P. juliflora and C. madagascariensis. Regarding AEI, P. juliflora extract had positive effect on P. moniliformis seeds and negative on M. tenuiflora seeds, close to -1. A reduction in height of P. moniliformis was observed when the seedlings were in contact with the extracts of the invasive plants studied. For M. tenuiflora, the extract of P. juliflora prevented the formation of seedlings, and M. caesalpiniaefolia presented higher inhibitory effect with extracts of P. juliflora and A. indica. Therefore, M. tenuiflora showed to be sensitive to P. juliflora phytotoxicity.Downloads
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