Simulation of spectral bands of the MERIS sensor to estimate chlorophyll-a concentrations in a reservoir of the semi-arid region
Continental water. Monitoring. Remote sensing.Resumo
Nowadays, the monitoring of water is essential for the sustainability and better management of water resources. The use of remote sensing data is important, since it allows evaluation of dynamic problems in aquatic systems, such as the eutrophication of bodies of water and suspended sediment. The aim of this study was to estimate chlorophyll-a concentrations in a reservoir of the semi-arid region of Brazil using simulated orbital-sensor data, as an aid in the management of water resources. The study area corresponded to the Orós reservoir, in the State of Ceará, Brazil. Water samples for analysis of the chlorophyll-a and measurements of the spectral radiance of the aquatic system were collected from 20 points. The radiance was measured by spectroradiometer. The data were collected in June and August of 2011. The model using three bands of the MERIS sensor (7, 9 and 10) presented an R2 of 0.84. For the two-band model (7 and 9), the value of R2 was 0.85. The waters of the Orós reservoir were all classified as eutrophic. The main optically active component in modelling the shape of the spectra was chlorophyll-a. The models showed a mean absolute error (MAE) of 3.45 and 3.61 μg L-1 for the three- and two-band models respectively. The models displayed high coefficients of determination, i.e. the simulations show the feasibility of estimating chlorophyll-a concentration from the data of the MERIS orbital sensor.Downloads
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